Two Special Events!

Hey there, yogi! Here’s a special mid-month newsletter to let you know about two special events coming up next week at Main Street Yoga.

First, on Thursday, July 22nd at 4:30pm, Kundalini Yoga is coming to MSY!

What is Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini yoga is a combination of breathing techniques (pranayama), movement and physical postures (asana), chanting (mantra) and meditation. And while this sounds a lot like other styles of yoga, it’s the way that these components are put together that makes the practice so powerful.

“Kundlini” derives from the Sanskrit word kundal, which translates to “coiled energy.” The idea is that we all have energy gathered at the base of our spine and, through the practice of Kundalini yoga, we bring that energy up our spine through the seven chakras, and out the crown of our head. The ultimate goal of Kundalini is to increase your self-awareness by silencing your mind and unblocking your chakras so that your vital energy can flow freely.

[Fun Fact: While you don’t have to wear head-to-toe white, it is common in Kundalini. That’s because the color white is thought to ward off negative energy and extend your own aura.]

There are a lot of good reasons to practice Kundalini yoga — like its effect on both your physical and psychological well-being. Some of the most popular health benefits of Kundalini include a faster metabolism, better mood, enhanced memory and focus, and lower stress levels. So save your spot now!

At MSY, Kundalini Yoga will be offered by Lauri Brammer, RYT 200, who has completed advanced yoga teacher training in Kundalini. Her approach will allow you to easily dive into this transformative practice without any prior yoga experience. Lauri's goal is to bring out the gifts of self-awareness and mind-body connection that resides in all of us (and sometimes get pushed to the wayside!!) through the tools and techniques afforded to us by yoga.  

Second, on Sunday, July 25th at 4:00pm, I’m offering “Intro to Inversions” – a beginner-friendly 90-minute workshop designed to help you reap the many benefits of inverted yoga postures: releasing tension, increasing circulation and energy levels, reducing inflammation, and improving strength and flexibility. Inversions are also thought to promote emotional growth, calm the mind and spirit, guide energy toward the heart, and help you become more connected with the earth.

Yoga inversions are poses in which your heart is placed higher than your head. This might sound intimidating, but don’t worry — we’ll start with the simplest and most gentle variations (like legs-up-the-wall) and build from there. I'll help you find variations of inversions that work for you based on your individual experience, strength, health conditions*, and injury history.

[*While most people can safely practice inversions, individuals with glaucoma, uncontrolled high blood pressure, and other circulatory issues might do best to avoid them. When in doubt, please consult your health care provider.]

I hope you’ll join us for both events! In the meantime, stay cool.